St. Augustine’s

Catholic Academy

Parent Pay

Part of the All Saints Catholic Collegiate.
A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 8709352.

Registered office address:-
St Gregory’s Catholic Academy
Spring Garden Road
Stoke on Trent

Part of

All Saints Catholic Collegiate

Foundation Stage

Our Class Saint is St Therese of Lisieux

Welcome to the Foundation Stage
The staff in the Nursery are Mrs Taylor and Miss Brookes (EYFS Lead).

Each child in the Foundation Stage has a key worker group. Each child will either be a 'Stickman' with Mrs Taylor or a 'Gruffalo' with Miss Brookes. We use these key groups to develop our communication and language, through conversation and turn taking games. 


Our PE session is on a Friday; we do ask that the children come to school in their PE kit for this session. 



Our School Day

The day runs from 8:45am until 3:00pm.

Key Workers hear individual readers daily so please ensure reading books are in each day.
Fruit and milk is provided free of charge, which the children access throughout they day. The children have hot lunches, for a small fee,  which they share in the classroom environment with their teachers to encourage table manners and communication skills. 

A member of the Early Years team is always available in the morning or afternoon at the classroom door to pass on any messages.
Appointments can also be made at the school office. 


Our termly Topics are linked to our RE Curriculum and are as follows: 

Autumn: Our Wonderful World. A Saviour is Born.

Spring:We are Family. All Aboard.

Summer: Spread the Word and Gather Together. 

These topic areas then link to a story and a rhyme that we share with the children.

They share the children's interests and what they would like to learn, they then decide on a focus and what activities they might like to take part in. This is completed every two weeks; topics may stretch if the children show an increased interest.  


'Young Graduates' extended school provision

Activities run daily until 4pm at St Augustine's. Please see the Autumn 2024/2025 options below;


Monday: Care Club (fee-paying)

Tuesday: Care Club (fee-paying)

Wednesday: Little Athletics 'All Sports' (fee-paying)

Thursday: Curriculum Club with Mrs Jones 'Let's be Friends' is the Autumn theme (free teacher-led)

Friday:  (fee-paying)


Payment and Booking via ParentPay






 We are lucky that the children get to experience a range of trips, visitors and experiences throughout the year.

Autumn: the Library, the Postbox, Carol Singing and the Santa Train.

Spring: Apple Tree Town, Animal Encounters and the Local Shop.

Summer: Sports Day, Swimming provision, Farm and Beach Day 



On a Tuesday children have expert music tuition from 'In Harmony'.  We will be developing our musical skills through singing and using percussion instruments. 



On a Wednesday children have expert French tuition with 'Mrs Lloyd'. Children will be learning key phrases, colours, numbers and take part in cultural activities. 


PE and Outdoor Learning

Our PE day is on a Friday; we do ask that the children come to school wearing their PE kit each Friday. This includes black/dark unbranded trainers, black tracksuit and the school branded PE top. You will be advised via Dojo if PE is indoor or outdoor. 

Children also take part in daily outdoor learning; including our mud-kitchen, assault course and water play! Therefore please wear sensible school shoes and appropriate coats. Wellies can be kept in school.
This also means earrings and jewelry  are not permitted at all in the Early Years due to the level of physical activity. 

Home Learning

We ask that children read at home each night, children will be sent home with a library book this is to be used as shared read to build their story telling skills and develop their imagination. Books without words are also used, this is for the children to discuss the picture and develop their vocabulary. 


 Click here for RE prayer and resources

Click here for more home learning ideas

Click here to see our learning outcomes for each term 

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Home Learning