St. Augustine’s

Catholic Academy

Parent Pay

Part of the All Saints Catholic Collegiate.
A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 8709352.

Registered office address:-
St Gregory’s Catholic Academy
Spring Garden Road
Stoke on Trent

Part of

All Saints Catholic Collegiate

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


Children come to school with many different experiences and needs, at St Augustine's we endeavour to support and guide each child to reach their full potential. The children and parents speak positively about their support at St. Augustine's, here are some of their comments:

I have met all my targets quickly!”

“Mrs X helps me to be better at my reading and maths.’

“The teachers have helped me to be more confident in myself. I don’t worry if I get something wrong because I know they’ll help me to get it right next time.’

“I get to go to lots of clubs after school, like gardening.’

‘’I like coming to school … we do loads of interesting things like art, PE and sport.’’

Mrs Bush is our school Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCO). 

Each class in the school has a curriculum which is planned to meet the needs of all children where lessons are differentiated and supported to ensure that all children make progress.

If you would like to speak to our SENDCO please contact the school office.

Useful links and pages:

Parent Leaflets

The Local Offer

SEND Information Report 2024-2025

Inclusion Policy

Frequently asked questions:

St Augustine’s ‘Local Offer’
Children are assessed when they start their early year’s foundation stage curriculum. We use this as a starting point for learning and to develop a personalised learning journey which shows appropriate support and challenge for every child. Parents/carers are encouraged to discuss any concerns with the class teacher and the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO).
• There is a rigorous tracking of pupil progress in all year groups which is analysed half termly
• Targets are set for all pupils in Reading, Writing and Maths.
• We expect the majority of children in the early years foundation stage to achieve at least the expected level of development.
• Pupils not making expected progress are given support individually or in a small group.
• There are termly meetings when parents can discuss their child’s progress and any concerns, but we also encourage parents to discuss their child’s progress at any time with the class teacher, SENCO or any other professional.

If your child is identified as not making progress, the school will set up a meeting to discuss this with you in more detail and to
• Listen to any concerns you may have
• Plan any additional support your child may need
• Discuss with you any referrals to outside professionals to support your child

Through class teacher input, via excellent targeted classroom teaching (Quality First Teaching).

When we have identified a need for a child, we match the provision accordingly. We monitor the impact of interventions through regular meetings and tracking of pupil progress. The SENCO reports this information to the Principal who then reports to the Governors.

Personalised programmes of support and regular reviews of impact.
Highly skilled teachers and support staff
Early identification of needs
Full parental support
We actively encourage good attendance

Our curriculum is broad and balanced and differentiated to so all children can succeed. We believe in a creative approach to teaching and learning.

All learning is carefully planned to take account of individual needs.
All children have access to high quality learning opportunities and appropriate resources according to their needs.
Those children who need extra help will be given a personalised programme of support from within school or other outside agencies.

Through our home school agreement we encourage an active partnership between school and home.

Regular reviews of progress are carried out (half termly)
Parents are invited to speak with their child’s class teacher and staff whenever necessary.
3 pupil/parent consultations across the year
Home/school link diaries
The class teacher, learning mentor and SENCO are available to discuss learning strategies at home
Curriculum workshops are provided to share ideas of how to best support your child at home.
Our newsletters and website will share information about the curriculum and school.

The school has a strong Catholic ethos which fosters a celebration for all children as individuals. It recognises that all children are unique and are created in God’s image. We firmly believe that all children should feel safe and have good relationships with their peers and with the staff. We welcome parents views and have a policy of talking to parents as a first point of call.

We have trained staff in all areas of SEN. Staff follow a programme of continuous Professional Development to keep up to date with current initiatives.

A dedicated school nurse.
All staff are regularly trained in supporting children with asthma, severe allergies and epilepsy.
The school has links with key professionals such as occupational therapy, Speech and language therapy, educational psychologists, behaviour and language support.
We have excellent Speech, Communication and Language programmes across the school.
Staff are trained in ASD strategies
We can access the SEND team at the LA to advise on practice, deliver training and support the school in times of need.

St Augustine’s provides a dedicated team of professionals, ensuring that your child meets their full potential. Through teachers and learning support assistants in the classroom, the SENCO, the home school link worker and the learning mentor. We encourage children to talk about their wellbeing through circle time, reflective periods of lessons, assemblies and informal conversations.

Individual health care and dietary needs plans are in place and reviewed regularly.
Support staff are first aid trained.
Attendance is monitored rigorously by the Principal and School Secretary with the Education Welfare officer.
Our school council make decisions about several aspects of our school life and have opportunities to contribute to meetings with SLT and Academy Representatives
We have an established ‘Peer Mediator’ system set up for pupils to access with very clear boundaries and expectations of the role
Our learning mentor is available for children to discuss concerns and issues they may face

Staff are trained, in accordance with the needs of the children at that time. A programme of continuous professional development is in place to ensure all members of staff are up to date with the most effective teaching programmes.
Staff are deployed to work with children by matching their expertise with the needs of the child.
Key SEN staff attend regular updates from the SEND team (LA) and our own SENCO’s are networking, sharing effective practice amongst our collegiate schools.

All children are included in trips. Staff carefully select transport, activities and venues that are suitable for all children.

All children are included in clubs. The participation of children with specific needs is closely monitored by the School Leadership Team.
All children are included in all aspects of school life wherever possible by careful risk assessment; putting extra support in place where necessary.
Parent meetings are held when pupils may need some extra provision when learning goes beyond the classroom.

Risk assessments are carried out if a child has specific needs.
The school is fully wheelchair friendly, with a lift to access the change in level to KS2. Access ramps are sited at the front entrance.
Reasonable adjustments will always be made to allow access around the school. Advise will always be sort to support all children on a needs basis.

Budgets are closely monitored and aligned to the school development plan. Regular reviews take place to ensure funds and staffing are best allocated to meet the needs of the children.

We use our special needs and pupil premium funding to support our vulnerable children.
Provision is reviewed regularly to ensure that there has been an impact on pupil progress and the funding is spent to benefit the children.

We ensure all children access the curriculum by carefully planning learning according to individual’s needs.
Rigorous tracking of progress and analysing individual pupil data highlights children who are not making expected progress. Interventions are then put in place to support their learning.
If interventions are not having the expected impact then the SENCO may refer an external professional to support once discussion with parents has been occurred.

Parents are encouraged to be involved in every step of their child’s education through:

Regular meetings with the class teacher and SENCO to review progress and discuss next steps.
Staff running learning workshops for parents.
Curriculum and SEN workshops to learn new ways to best support your child
Newsletters and information on the website.

Children’s views are always collected to contribute to their personalised learning. This may be through-

1 to 1 discussions
Pupil interviews
Using pictures
Alternative methods of recording.
Next stages

Links with all local high schools are already firmly embedded. Transition programmes are in place to allow children to progress to the next level of their education confidently. Transition programmes are tailored to the individual needs of the child.
Meetings are held whilst your child is in Y6 to begin the process of transition into Y7. High school staff visit and pupils make regular visits in preparing for the changes ahead.

We have an ‘open door’ policy. There are termly parents evenings arranged for all classes. Parents may participate in the Parent Working group and in the PTFA.

Staff are available to meet with parents every evening or through appointments. All pupils have school diaries which is a good source of communication.

If you have any complaints the first port of call is always your child’s class teacher. If this is not appropriate or you feel that it is more serious then a member of the Senior Leadership team or Head of School are available to be seen at a mutually convenient time.

There are several support groups available for parents. These include SENDIASS, Parent Partnership, Face to Face. Details are available when requested.

The authority has created its own Local Offer and details are available on the Stoke on Trent City Council Website.