St. Augustine’s

Catholic Academy

Parent Pay

Part of the All Saints Catholic Collegiate.
A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 8709352.

Registered office address:-
St Gregory’s Catholic Academy
Spring Garden Road
Stoke on Trent

Part of

All Saints Catholic Collegiate


Trips, Visitors and Residentials at St. Augustine's!

At St. Augustine's we know how exciting it is to go on a trip or residential with your friends! Some of our  most precious memories are created around these experiences, so our offer is very important to us. We work closely with providers to ensure that our planned experiences provide not only educational opportunities, but also enhance the social and emotional characteristics of our children too. 

The progression of our trips and residentials ensure that children (and their families!) gain confidence each year; being away from school for the day or away from home for a  night or more, can be daunting. Each experience is meticulously planned and assessed to ensure maximum enjoyment for all of the children. New experiences, challenges and applying skills in a new environment are part of what builds a confident, resilient and ambitious young person and our offer ensures the children at St Augustine's have the opportunity to develop in these skills. 

Where special circumstances for either a child or a family are relevant, we always ensure they have the opportunity to be included and adjustments made so that they can enjoy those special and memorable times with their class; always speak with your Class Teacher if you have any concerns about any trip, residential or other additional curriculum events.


 St Augustine's Trips Overview.docxDownload
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See below for a snapshot of our core trips and experiences that form part of your child's curriculum enhancements at St Augustine's.