St. Augustine’s

Catholic Academy

Parent Pay

Part of the All Saints Catholic Collegiate.
A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 8709352.

Registered office address:-
St Gregory’s Catholic Academy
Spring Garden Road
Stoke on Trent

Part of

All Saints Catholic Collegiate

Welcome to Year 6 - St. Martin de Porres Class

Welcome from the staff in Year 6...

Welcome to 2023-2024

A warm welcome to Year 6 and the final year at St Augustine's Catholic Academy! Year 6 is a busy year, as we prepare for the transition to high school and take on responsibilities as leaders in our school. We work hard as a team and enjoy every second - we can't wait to watch you grow! 



Class Teachers

Miss M. Flackett, Mrs L. Swift and Mrs S. Hutchison


Autumn Term

During the Autumn term, learning will include the heart and circulatory system, living things and their habitats. In Geography, we will focus on the rainforests and link this learning with our artist focus on Henri Rousseau. In History, we will explore why migrants moved to this area and how they shaped our locality. In Computing, we will continue learning about staying safe online and develop skills using coding and spreadsheets. In DT we will look at environmentally friendly fabric design. In French, we will be using numbers up to 100 and developing conversation skills about sports and games.

Spring Term

During the Spring term, learning will include evolution and inheritance with a focus on how living things are adapted to their environments. In Geography, we will learn about mapping coasts. In History, we will explore the impact of WW2 on our locality and link this work with artwork on propaganda posters. In Design and Technology, we will learn to cook a curry using a range of ingredients. In Computing, we will be blogging and learning about networks.  In French, conversation skills will be around holidays and places.

Summer Term

During the Summer term, learning will include electricity (components and circuit diagrams) and light. In Geography, we will focus on trade and economics. In History, we will explore early Islamic civilisations and link this with artwork around Islamic geometric design. In Design and Technology, we will develop engineering skills using electrical circuits and computer control. In Computing, we will learn the basics of binary and develop quizzes. 




Home Learning

Home learning will be set every Monday. This should be handed in before the following Monday morning. We also use TT Rockstars, PurpleMash and to provide learning that supports essential knowledge for Key Stage 2 and links to consolidation of classroom learning.

Children can also access Accelerated Reader from home so they can keep up to date with their reading, which should be a minimum of 3 times a week. Reading should be recorded in their planner.

We strongly encourage the children to manage and complete homework independently as this supports independence and organisational skills in preparation for high school. However, we are always ready to support and families can contact us through Dojo if they are at all concerned.

Children have all of their logins for the different sites and use these regularly in school so are familiar with the different programs. Click below for quick access:

TT Rockstars

Accelerated Reader



Children are required to wear PE uniform to school on Thursdays:

  • A St Augustine's PE t-shirt
  • Black or navy shorts or tracksuit bottoms.
  • School jumper
  • School shoes
  • During the Autumn term please provide trainers for outdoor PE each Thursday in a separate bag.  






Click here for RE prayer and learning resources.



Young Graduates

We offer extended school provision until 4pm:

Monday - Curriculum Club

Tuesday - Orchestra

Wednesday - Homework

Thursday - Care Club

Friday - Stoke City Football/Care Club



Each half term the children have Key Instant Recall Facts to work on. The document below has links so that children can be supported with these at home.