Mrs Martin welcomes you to Year Two!
Year Two - St Clare
Welcome to Year Two! We are so pleased that you have taken time to look at our page. In it you will find lots of information about Year Two.
Class Teachers
Mrs Martin is the class teacher and Mrs Carter is our Support Assistant.
Autumn Term
The Autumn Term in Year Two gets off to a flying start with some super Science where we learn all about amazing materials and their properties and uses. Learning continues as we explore our amazing world by gaining knowledge about the continents and oceans. As the term progresses, we go back in time to 1666 and The Great Fire of London and visit a museum to develop an understanding of how firefighting has changed over time. Our learning is enhanced by reading texts to match our topics in English. The children will love developing their creative skills through painting in the style of Monet, making a moving vehicle with axles and wheels and learning to code in I.T. This is always a favourite! Alongside these subjects we will develop our basic P.E. skills and learn how to play an instrument. The term will culminate in a wonderful celebration of our faith at Christmas time.
Spring Term
As the Spring Term begins we think about new beginnings and new life whilst learning about animals and plants and how they grow. We will watch seeds germinate and marvel at the wonder of new life. To further enhance our learning we will consider what it is like to live and work by the sea with a visit to Formby! This leads us to gain some historical understanding of Mary Anning, a young girl from the past who made an amazing seaside discovery! The texts read in English enhance our learning while developing our literacy skills. Our creativity in the Spring Term involves making our own sculptures and cooking ourselves a healthy lunch - watch out for your invitation to join us! In I.T. we will learn to make effective searches and on P.E. we will learn to dance. The Spring Term culminates in a Holy Week where our religious understanding of the Easter season is developed.
Summer Term
Perhaps the most busy term of the year begins with lots of outside learning; we use our school grounds to learn about living things and their habitats in Science. This learning is enhanced by a visit to Peak Wildlife Park. We love to use our local area of Meir to contrast our homes with those in Jamaica and with this topic we have a super food tasting session to really get our taste buds going! In History, we compare the lives of two nurses, Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale and consider how they contributed to the history of nursing. Once more, we become creative by drawing our very own self portraits and displaying our work in a gallery! Parents are invited to help us with sewing in D.T. as we make puppets and develop our stitching. By this point in the year we are proficient musicians and we may even play in an orchestra. We celebrate our P.E. skills through sports day and playing team games in the sunshine and we can't wait to swim in our visiting pool!
Throughout the year we follow a weekly Relationships and Sex Education programme and the R.E. scheme, Living as People of God.
P.E and Music
We are extremely proud of our P.E. and Music provision at St. Augustine's! We have ASM expertly delivering many of our P.E. sessions throughout the year. In Music, we are learning how to play percussion and we are also learning what it is like to be in an orchestra.
The children will need to wear P.E. kits every Thursday. Black/navy joggers/shorts, the school logo PE shirt and school jumpers and school shoes throughout the day. The children will be completing PE lessons inside and outside, so they need to wear warm kit. During Autumn term please provide pumps for dance and gymnastics each Thursday. Earrings will not be allowed in for PE, please remove them at home in preparation. If your child is unable to take out the earrings, then they will not be allowed to take part in the PE sessions.
Home Learning
Home Learning is given on the following three sites: Purple Mash, and TTRockstars. The children all have their own log ins. You can contact the class teachers through Class Dojo.
Please click below to be taken to the websites.
Spelling are given on a Monday and are to be practised at home for a test the following Monday.
This Home Learning is monitored by staff at school and marked electronically.
Children are expected to read at home at least 3 times per week with an adult or an older sibling. Please comment on Class Dojo each time you read with your child. Children will be awarded a 'Reading Dojo' at school when your comments have been read. If there are any issues with this, please speak to one of the staff members from Year 2.
Click here for RE prayer and learning resources.
Please go to each subject page for links to ideas for your child or alternatively click here for a short cut: Curriculum link
In the list of documents below there is also a 'SATS for parents Powerpoint', please do take time to look through this important information.